Circus Blogs: Camp News Big Top Tour News Residency News

Summer Starts with Smirklings!

Editor’s Note: This post was written by Camp Photographer & Communications Assistant Will Ciardelli

We’re less than a week into Smirkus Camp and what a time we’ve already had! We started off with quite the rainy welcome day to our Smirkling Overnight session. Parents dropped off their kids who were bubbling with excitement in anticipation of their two days at camp. For many campers, this was their first time sleeping away from home.

The coaches and counselors took charge, getting everyone settled into their dorms, then started with some icebreakers and group games to warm everyone up on this damp and chilly afternoon. After warm ups, everyone moved into the tents where the real fun began.

Our campers were divided into two groups, with half of the Smirkings learning their way around the aerial apparatuses in our beloved “Mama Mia” tent, and the other half working on acrobatic and tumbling skills in our acro tent “Natalie.”

About halfway through the day, we refueled with a delicious lunch, had a bit of relaxing downtime, and then got right back to it. Our campers then ventured into the world of clowning, exploring traditional gags that have been used by clowns for generations, learning how to play to an audience and execute the comedic rule of three. The kids also practiced juggling skills, working with scarves, balls, and even spinning plates!

After a fun filled afternoon, the campers filled their bellies with a healthy dinner and then had an evening activity with our Activities Director Mariah Fraker. The campers played a variety of circle games, furthering their connections with fellow campers and staff, as well as a very exciting game of tag which left them exhausted and ready to start again the next day to prepare for their showcase!

Finally, everyone had a bit of downtime, got ready for bed, and once everyone was tucked in, I imagine their were dreams of flying children and juggling balls in the air.

In the morning, after a hearty breakfast, the campers resumed their circus training, gathering more skills in the short time at camp. After their tireless efforts learning from our coaches, the Smirklings began work on a showcase so that they could demonstrate their newfound skills they had learned over the weekend. And we can all agree it did not disappoint.

The campers came flooding into the tents with smiles spreading from ear to ear, brimming with excitement, ready to show their grown-ups what they had learned. The Smirklings proudly presented their new skills in our first show of the summer! After the presentation, the kids said their goodbyes to staff, coaches and couselors before heading home, taking with them the magic of Smirkus.

As for the staff, we now continue preparing for the upcoming camp sessions, starting this weekend with the Smirkling for a Day camp, and with our All Levels 1 week session immediately following. We are all so excited to see what this summer will hold, and for the amazing experiences and memories that will be formed here at our little home here in Greensboro, Vermont. We hope to see you this summer!

