Camp’s Session V
This blog post is written by Head Counselor, Nathan Eckstein
It is so hard to believe that we are saying goodbye to Session V on Friday!
We have had an absolutely amazing time this session. With three programs running all at once its been a whirlwind of activity and circus fun.
This session’s 10 member Road Show, under the direction of Suzanne Santos, brought their Greek God’s and Goddess themed show all over Ve
rmont, including stops in Derby Line, Burlington, and Montpellier. They visited senior living centers, childcare centers, and had a few public performances out doors as well including Burlington’s Church Street!

Ensemble has been hard at work on creating their “Road Trip” themed show co-directed by Performance and Clown Coach, Kelsey Custard and Co-Head Coach, Crosby Sandoval. In the show a Clown Family travels on a road trip around the USA encountering the sights of New York and California, as well as some other fantastic destinations. We are excited to present the amazing acts on the last day to our families and friends.
This year, our Aerial Coach, Carey Cramer lead a new program at Camp called Aerial Acts. In this program, 11 students created two-minute individual acts on an aerial apparatus of their choice. The acts were presented on Wednesday morning in a show with the camp serving as the live studio audience while a professional videographer recorded the acts for the students.

In addition to all of this wonderful activity in the tent, we had plenty of out of tent activities as well. We had a dance, talent show, plenty of games, and even two trips. We went to Derby Line for Derby Day where the campers got to see Road Show in action as well as go to the many tag sales, and the camp also got a chance to travel to Montpellier to see the Big Top Tour and cheer on the Smirkos, many of whom our campers went to camp with.
It is bittersweet to see the session and the summer end. It has been a truly unforgettable summer of friendships, new experiences, memories, and of course circus!
Thank you all for a fantastic season and see you down the road.