Smirkus Residencies

What is a Smirkus Residency?

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Smirkus Residencies bring our veteran circus educators into your school or out-of-school program to provide expert instruction in the circus arts. Students receive instruction in circus skills such as juggling, balance, plate spinning, acrobatics and more. Our approach is aligned with the principles of social-emotional learning, where students develop powers of concentration, focus, and persistence. Our residencies can be easily integrated into a larger learning unit in the classroom.

What Kids Learn


CIrcus SmirkusCircus is an activity that requires the same dedication, discipline and hard work of any sport, yet stresses collaboration rather than competition. Kids set and achieve goals together, learning cooperation and camaraderie.

According to a study conducted by the Weikart Center in collaboration with the American Youth Circus Organization and funded by Cirque Du Soleil, integrating the circus arts into K-12 education can improve student performance. After observing residency programs offered by Circus Smirkus and seven other circus arts providers across the country, the Center reported that circus residencies improved social and emotional learning skills in all areas measured – and delivered results better than all other supplemental arts and sports activities studied. Read the full report here.

Types Of Residencies

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Bring the circus to your school 

In-school Residencies consist of instruction throughout the school day, customized to your school’s schedule and number of classes participating. They are typically one or two weeks in duration, which can also be tailored to meet your specific needs.

This option is open to after school programs at schools, recreation facilities and community organizations. Students learn circus skills including juggling, clowning, plate spinning, and more. The week is concluded with a performance for friends and family.

Please contact us for cost and availability and to discuss how a Circus Smirkus residency can be customized to meet your school’s needs: