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Welcome to the Mud Show!

Today at the Circus Barn, we’re bringing meaning back to the phrase “mud show.”  A mud show was traditionally a show that travelled by horse and wagon from town to town and referred to the muddy roads travelled on. Today, the Troupers tromp up and down the muddy road to and from class bundled from head to toe in rain gear.

Trouper Lindsey Braves the Rain

Trouper Lindsey Braves the Rain

Inside the tents, the wind whistles and the canvas ebbs and flows with each gust of wind. Overhead, the droplets of rain pitter-patter as they bounce off the top and drip down the sides. In the distance, the steady, low beep off a truck backing up offers a reminder that it would take significantly more than a little rainstorm to stop the determined tour staff from moving forward with their work. The gray sky isn’t curbing the Troupers’ enthusiasm either. They’re training hard each and every day to create an amazing show that you won’t want to miss.

From Juggling to Wire, Troupers are Hard at Work

From Juggling to Wire, Troupers are Hard at Work

You can get tickets online at Hurry, opening is just over two weeks away! 

