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A Welcoming Start

Editor’s Note: This post was written by summer Tour Communications Associate June Mello

I’ve known about Smirkus for a long time. When I was younger, my mom used to bring my brother and me to see shows when the tour was close to home. I remember being awestruck by (as well as a tad jealous of) the troupers on tour, how skilled they were, and how much fun they seemed to be having. Now that I’ve finally come here to experience it myself as the Tour Communications Associate, and after meeting the troupers face to face, I have to say that my childhood expectations for what this would be like so far have been met or exceeded, and I expect that feeling will only grow once we actually leave for tour.

The people here are a welcoming bunch, with many different backgrounds, skill sets, personalities, and even pets. Even those who have clearly been in the Smirkus family for a while have made sure to introduce newcomers (including myself) to their existing circle of friends, showed them the ropes, invited them to hangouts and activities for either staff or troupers, and genuinely seemed happy to talk about the mysteries of life, TV shows or movies people are into (we’re definitely taking a field trip of some kind to see The Barbie Movie when it comes out), or just what our favorite meals from the Pie Car have been so far. 

The troupers now, like the ones who were touring when I was younger, still strike me with a sense of awe when I see what they can do, both as circus performers as well as human beings. They’re all true professionals with an insane amount of talent, who not only care immensely about their craft, but it’s obvious even from only interacting with them for five days at the time of writing this, that they already care just as much about each other.

They are respectful, as well as funny, and always seem willing to lend a hand around the lot when the need arises. From recording move-in, to skill practice sessions, and fun activities like movie night, that has been made very clear to me. I can’t wait to see what they are able to accomplish this summer, both as circus artists, as well as people. And I hope that whatever audiences they perform in front of this summer will be just as impressed by them as me and the rest of the staff here already are. I’m sure that they will be. 

Until next week,
June Mello


