Circus Blogs: Camp News Big Top Tour News Residency News

Getting Ready to Soar

Greeting Smirkus Family and Friends,

Excitement is beginning to fill the atmosphere here at Smirkus headquarters and with the arrival of coaches, counselors, interns and integral support staff this past week our summer of magic and marvel has officially begun! This season’s show aptly named, Bon Appétit, will have a culinary theme with acrobatic hors d’oeuvres, juggling sous chefs, sweet and sour unicycles, and high frying aerialists. As is tradition, we have an amazing crew working tirelessly to make this show really shine and I hope you are as excited as I am to see what fantastic and phenomenal things they come up with.

From left to right Mia, Robin (head counselor) and Jack

2015 Tour counselors from left to right Mia, Robin (head counselor) and Jack

With bated breath we wait for the Troupers arrival today, Saturday, June 6 and quickly try to get all our clown shoes in line.  In other Smirkus news, the Smirkus Camp celebrates its 25th Birthday this summer in its new permanent location with newly built dorms, and a rebuilt 135 year old barn and farmhouse!! The official ribbon cutting ceremony will be this Tuesday, at 7 p.m. at the new camp located at 41 Clown Alley, Greensboro, VT where Troupers and Tour Staff will join together with our Smirkus Camp community to celebrate this momentous occasion.

The new dorm facilities at camp

The new dorm facilities at camp

Tents, Mama Mia (Blue) and Natalie (Yellow) at the new Smirkus camp

Tents, Mama Mia (Blue) and Natalie (Yellow) at the new Smirkus camp

Who am I? My name is Angelia Rorison. I am a Coast Guard veteran, with a background in public affairs and history as a freelance photojournalist for the Associated Press, Reuters and Getty Images in New York City. I am currently a graduate student at the University of Vermont working towards my Masters in Public Administration, in addition, I hold other bachelor of arts degrees in sculpture, ceramics and journalism. This summer I will be your tour PR intern extraordinaire and hope my skills and experience will coincide with this already stellar and exuberantly talented crew.

This tour blog will be updated regularly with pictures, video and musings about tour events, highlights and, of course, the performances so visit often! Also, don’t forget to check out our facebook, twitter and instagram feeds to get the most up to date photos, video and content.

Warmest Regards,


“You’ll be on your way up!

You’ll be seeing great sights!

You’ll join the high fliers

who soar to high heights.”

― Dr. Seuss, Circus McGurkus

