Circus Blogs: Camp News Big Top Tour News Residency News

Worth It

Dear Smirkus Friends and Family,

We did it! The first week of rehearsals and preparation is down and boy was it was a doozie.  Throughout the course of the week we have hammered down the last details of the show, completed casting, attended and performed at the official Smirkus Camp Ribbon Cutting (see Hannah’s blog below!) played Panic, rehearsed and rehearsed some more, sweat, put on the No-Talent Talent Show, and even took a day off to relax and recuperate.

Smirkos performing at Circus Smirkus ribbon cutting ceremony.

Smirkos performing at Circus Smirkus ribbon cutting ceremony.

This week the Troupers will ramp up their training in preparation for the acts they have been cast in and really perfect the delivery and pizzaz you are all familiar with. Our 29 Troupers are working and training with full hearts and minds, focusing on bringing Smirkus Style to the 2015 Big Top Tour.

Smirkos at hammock rehearsals

Smirkos at hammock rehearsals

Every year zany events for the staff and Smirkos, help keep morale and spirits up. This year those events included Panic and the NO-Talent Talent Show. In Panic, the Smirkos use all of their most Smirkified talents to sing, dance, act, and physically use their bodies to accomplish tasks under time restraint for points. As a member of the voting peanut gallery I can attest to the zaniness and absolute fun of this event giving all of us some major giggles.


Playing panic

Playing panic

The Troupers were also able to have this Saturday as a day off from rehearsals, which included a trip to the Cold Hollow Apple Cider Mill in Waterbury, VT and the Bolton potholes. Followed by our No-Talent Talent Show on Sunday night which featured beautiful and soulful singers, Japanese Taiko drumming (from our very own executive director Ed Leclair) and Israeli folk dancing (just to name a few), proving that “work” at Smirkus looks a lot like “play!”

Executive Director Ed Leclair performing at the No-Talent Talent Show

Executive Director Ed Leclair performing at the No-Talent Talent Show

Remember Opening Weekend is in two weeks get your tickets by clicking here or calling 1-877-SMIRKUS.

Talk Soon,


“I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy,

I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.”

— Art Williams

