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What a Special Day!

Dear Smirkus Family,

Today was a special day for so many reasons! First off, we’re in beautiful Saratoga Springs, NY with gorgeous weather. We’ve had the pleasure of seeing many Big Top Tour alumni who stopped by to see the show and say hello. More than that though, it’s Smirko Sarah’s birthday! As a fourth year trouper, she was well aware that this meant a pie to the face as per circus tradition. Troy Wunderle, Artistic Director, knew that she was prepared for a pie and took great joy in setting up fake situations all day long to make her believe she would be pied. He’d approach casually with an arm behind his back as if he was holding a pie, make light conversation to distract her and then pull out his pie-less hand. This fake-out routine went on for the majority of the day. 

And if that wasn’t enough of a reason to celebrate, today we had a visit from Adam Frontera, a special guest from the Make-a-Wish Foundation! At the end of the show, he was invited into the ring where he had the utmost honor of pie-ing Sarah in the face. And boy, does that kid have an arm! The audience clapped and cheered for Adam as Sarah wiped pie off her face. 

Adam Pies Sarah!

Adam Pies Sarah!



After the show, the Troupers gathered around for notes only to find they had actually unwittingly assembled for the Smirkus ritual known as “water council.” During water council, counselors and staff spray Troupers with squirt guns and, in this case, a fire hose! Though many managed to stay safely away from the cold shower, several Troupers were thoroughly drenched. Trouper Sam Gurwitt took revenge with a bucket of water while Ariana Wunderle obtained a water gun of her own and chased Coach Sellam El Ouahabi. 

Water Fights!

Water Fights!

Counselor Dani Attacks!

Counselor Dani Attacks!

Between special visitors, water fights and pies, I think it’s fair to say that today is a very special day! 

Until next time,

Ps. I should add that this blog post was somewhat interrupted as Trouper Dylan Biedrzycki chased me with a water gun. I’m feeling much refreshed although slightly soggy! 

