A Day In the Life: Concessions
This post is by Rachel Thompson, the Tour PR Intern for this year’s tour.

Jenna and Cecilia spinning cotton candy for the afternoon show
We are all settled here in Essex Junction, VT and the Troupers are so excited to be performing two sold-out shows here on the first day! It’s all hands on deck today at the circus, and we’re going to give you a glimpse into the work life of a Smirkus concessionaire!
The moment you walk into Mille, the concessions tent, the sweet smell of cotton candy being spun and the delectable aroma of popcorn popping fills the tent. The bright lights from dinosaur bubble blasters and light up globes dance around the eyes of all who attend. None of this magical summer experience would be possible without the help of the concessionaires.

Maks Turner readies the cotton candy for the crowd.
This year we have Cecilia, David, Maks, Rachael, Steve, our Assistant Head Concessionaire, Jenna, and our Head Concessionaire, Ryan all helping to create an enjoyable circus experience.
On a typical show day, like today, the concessionaires get working an hour and a half before show time. This allows for them to prep food before the audience members arrive.
Today, the show started at 12pm, so at 10:30am Rachael was filling buckets of freshly popped popcorn, while David, Jenna, and Cecilia helped spin pink and blue cotton candy for those who may have a sweet tooth.
Likewise, Cecilia is in her third year of being a concessionaire at Circus Smirkus. When asked why she keeps coming back, she said, “The community within the staff and the Troupers at Smirkus is unlike any other place I’ve ever worked, and it’s all based around giving a really incredible show for children which makes everything 10 times more special.”

Trouper Ariana Wunderle hawking during intermission
During intermission, some of the Troupers and a few of the concessionaires hawk. This means they go into the crowds and sell food items like popcorn, cotton candy, and lemonade or novelty items like clown noses, fairy wands, and plush animals.
“Popcorn! Getcha popcorn, here! Only $3! No line, no wait!”, the hawkers will yell in a sing-song voice, luring you into yet another bucket of popcorn.
Once intermission is over, the food side of concessions gears up for the next show by preparing more hot dogs, pretzels, cotton candy, and popcorn. However, the novelty side of concessions tidies up from intermission, and prepares for another rush of children wanting to buy fairy wings and hula hoops.
During the acts, when there are not many customers, some concessionaires will sneak a peek at the show. Maks is a big fan of the contortion act, and rushed through the pouring rain to go watch it today. Rachael is learning to juggle, so in between rushes of customers, she can be found practicing over in novelties.

Rachael showing off all novelties has to offer
When the crowd filters out of the Big Top, the concessionaires tend to any last minute customers, and they get ready to do it all again for the next show of the day.
To join the crazy concessions crew and see the magnificent 2017 Big Top Tour, you can get your tickets here!