Same Heart, Same Energy… New Experience: Monday, June 24th

Author Archives: Circus Smirkus

Same Heart, Same Energy… New Experience: Monday, June 24th

When speaking with the Barton Chronicle on Friday morning, Creative Director Jesse Dryden discussed how Smirkus troupers are known in the circus world for having a good work ethic. At rehearsals they will try, try, and try again until a move is perfected and ready for performance. Theyencourage each other to work hard. When a fellow trouper was having some hesitations about trying a new, challenging move, fourth-year trouper Nick remarked, “Better to fall than not do it!”- when you’re wearing a safety harness, of course- which is a remark I appreciated and believe applies in many areas of life….

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Enter to win an autographed copy of “Circus Smirkus: 25 Years of Running Home to the Circus”!

YOUR CHANCE TO WIN! It’s all blue skies in Greensboro, Vermont as Circus Smirkus preps to entertain and amaze on this year’s Big Top Tour, Oz Incorporated. Kick off is June 29, so make sure to reserve tickets and join us down the yellow brick road! To celebrate, we’re giving away this gorgeous hard cover edition of “Circus Smirkus: 25 Years of Running Home to the Circus”. It’s autographed by co-authors Rob Gurwitt and Rob Mermin – our Smirkus founder! COMMENT ON THIS POST AND YOU’RE ENTERED TO WIN! THAT SIMPLE! Entries must be made by Monday June 24 at Noon! Good…

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Eight days till showtime!- Friday, June 21st

Tuesday started off pleasantly sunny, but soon after breakfast it turned cool again. Troupers layered up with their Smirkus sweatshirts and sweatpants as they got ready for warm-ups and the start of rehearsals, and before getting started for the day I grabbed a jacket and warmer pair of shoes from my bunk.   Since their arrival less than two weeks ago, the troupers have been working hard at perfecting the skills for their acts, but this week they have begun working on the blocking (who goes where and when they go there) of each act to make the show come…

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Don’t “Panic”… it’s just Smirkus!- Wednesday, June 19th

When I woke up Monday morning, I realized that I have begun to feel comfortable here. Tour hasn’t started and the rehearsal period has provided us all with a chance to become accustomed to the circus lifestyle before opening day. As I sit in a wooden Adirondack chair on the porch of the farmhouse, beginning to draft this post, troupers Keenan and Bekk are a few feet away on the stairs, talking about training with Nick, the head rigger. It’s a pleasant warm day and the sun is out, offering us a chance to peek at the blue skies.   …

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Being funny is serious business! – Monday, June 17th

The weekend started off on Friday with the best weather we’ve had since I’ve been at Smirkus. The sun was out all day and it was warmer than it had been all week – being able to wear shorts and sandals was a welcome change after a week of jackets and rain boots!   After the troupers learned their parts in the show at the “show pitch” on Thursday night, (when Creative Director Jesse Dryden and Artistic Director Troy Wunderle described the premise of the show, how each act would fit in to the story line, and who would be…

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Show pitch and a sunny day- Friday, June 14th

Yesterday began as the nicest day so far! It was warm and sunny from the start, and the smiles were even bigger than before at breakfast. It’s definitely easier to get up early (breakfast is at 7:30am, so everyone wakes up at 7) when the sun is shining.    From trampoline to clowning to triple trapeze, at rehearsals yesterday, the troupers began building their routines for the show. While they still didn’t know which characters they’d be playing, I enjoyed seeing them combine the skills they’d been working on in each act- it feels like the show is really starting…

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Time to get pied!- Thursday, June 13th

Yesterday was another day here at Smirkus, and with the pie car serving homemade donuts for breakfast, the day was off to a great (although gray- the sky was a bit overcast) start.   Warm-ups were shorter yesterday morning to allow for half an hour of director’s time before lunch. With days packed full of classes and practices for their own acts, the troupers used breaks in their schedules to rest, catch up on sleep, and- in many cases- watch each others’ classes. It’s pretty cool to see the Smirkos attending classes to watch their friends rehearse. They seem eager…

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Casting and getting in to the swing of things!- Wednesday, June 12th

What I’ve learned in my first week at Smirkus is that the circus is a place to grow. For coaches, staff, and troupers, spending ten weeks away from home is a chance to meet new people, explore new places, and learn new things- circus skills, things about the world, but most importantly things about themselves. Towards the end of hand balances class, I overheard one trouper remark to another how he feels he’s learned and grown so much through his four summers with Smirkus. What’s unique about the environment here extends beyond the location (the mountainous scenery extends far beyond…

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First day of classes!- Monday, June 10th

Yesterday, June 9th, was the first day of classes for the troupers. It was an early start, with breakfast at 7:30 instead of the previous 8:30. Feelings of nervousness had dissipated, and the troupers’ chatter over french toast and eggs at breakfast turned to what classes they’d be attending that day- should they try something new, or go with the apparatus they’re familiar and comfortable with? Most went with a mixture of both, wanting to practice their specialty but also interested in branching out. After warmups, all of the troupers stayed in the academy tent where coach Sellam taught acro…

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The Troupers are here!- Sunday, June 9th

When we woke up on Saturday, there was a certain buzz of excitement in the air, as it was finally the day that the troupers would be arriving! Judy (Operations Director) lead the first full staff meeting after breakfast, where we went over important details and reminders for the day. Finally, it felt like we were all one big group (and an even bigger group now that the troupers are here!). The next few hours were pretty hectic as there was lots to get done before the troupers were to arrive at three: equipment was assembled, rigging was set up,…

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