Author Archives: Circus Smirkus
The Bay State Troupers

This year Circus Smirkus has troupers from Texas to Vermont to Washington to Canada, but our biggest crowd hails from from Massachusetts; home of the Boston Red Sox, Plymouth Rock, and six of our troupers. Learn a little bit about the kids getting to perform in their home state this week. Alexa Wang Alexa is a 2nd year trouper. This year, Alexa is playing “The Diva”, a singer extraordinaire that is desperate to make her big break, if only the mishaps and misadventures along the way would let her song be heard. Keep an eye out for her in other…
Circus Snacks

“Cotton candy, as Matt ‘Toy Store’ Zimmerman would say, truly is magic in a bag,” says Brian, the backlot manager, when asked his opinions on popcorn and cotton candy. Cotton candy and popcorn go with circus like jugglers and acrobats; you just can’t have the full circus experience without these classic treats. But what about the people who spend every day around the stuff? Is one snack better than the other? I set out to find some answers for you, and here they are. “I prefer to eat popcorn while I watch the show, and I watch the show every…
Boogie Shoes and the Smirkle of Happiness

The last night of Session III came to an end in epic fashion, with the Camper Dance! As the day ended, Campers filed into our big top, Mamma Mia, to celebrate our time together by showing off our dance moves. With smiles on their faces and passion in their soles, this was one of the last memory making moments for these campers. Lyrics were sung and the YMCA was performed and it was a great way for our campers to relax after spending a majority of the day prepping for the showcase the following day. When the music finally died…
When The Show Must Go On

“Ora,” said Troy, “go find your costume to see if it will fit Alexa.” So spoke Artistic Director Troy Wunderle to troupers Ora Lin and Alexa Wang. Ora was fighting a stomach bug and Alexa needed to fill in for her and learn the act as soon as possible. In just two hours, in fact, Alexa would both learn and perform the act in front of a live audience. With her lunch in hand, Alexa studied a video of the aerial performance on a laptop, her eyes watching every move the girls made, and in particular, every move Ora made. The act, called “lyra carousel”, features six troupers hanging…
What’s In A Name?

Arriving on the Smirkus Camp site you are greeted by an assortment of colorful circus tents. Inside these tents is where the magic of camp happens. On any given day you will find clowns working on their improvisation, acrobats learning new tumbling skills, aerialists hanging high on trapeze, lyra or rope, jugglers tossing their clubs, and much more. As a new member of the Smirkus Family, my first tour of the campus included an introduction to all of the tents. Smirkus is my first experience of the circus world, and so I was unaware of the tradition to name circus…
Four Sold Out Shows!

Essex Junction, VT proved to be a great success! We recently had four SOLD OUT shows at the Champlain Valley Exposition and it really gave life to our new show Vaudeville. There’s nothing like peeking through the curtain to see a full tent of happy ticket holders to drive the energy way up for the performers. Essex Junction was a happy reprieve after the recent heat wave in Waitsfield. Summers in New England, especially in Vermont where a large chunk of the shows play, aren’t known for their heat. Temperatures usually hover in the 80s, leaving the higher temps to…
Cool Campers

With temperatures in the 90s all week it would have been easy for campers to become overheated, easily fatigued, and a little out of the Smirkus Spirit. Thankfully, this did not happen. Along with the constant reminders to campers to drink water, Smirkus provided plenty of fun water activities to keep campers as cool as their personalities. When the heat first started settling in on Monday, there were cold shaving cream filled trays and a hose on hand to provide both smiles and a break from the heat. Pie Day was a hit with campers and staff alike, all relishing…
Circus Smirkus coming to Manchester

Editor’s note: This story first appeared in the Rutland Herald on July 4, 2018 and was written by Patrick McArdle MANCHESTER — It’s news as American and exciting as Fourth of July fireworks: The circus is coming to town. Circus Smirkus will perform four times in Manchester, two shows each on July 12 and 13. The four shows are the closest to Rutland County this season. Troy Wunderle, creative director at Circus Smirkus, described it as the only touring youth circus in America. This year, the circus has 30 performers between the ages of 10 and 18 from 14 different states and Canada….
Video: Vaudeville Trailer

Dinner Dress Up: Pirates vs Ninjas

After a full day of climbing silks, walking on stilts, and flying on the trapeze, it’s time for dinner. This is Smirkus Camp, after all, so not just any old outfit will do. In groups of campers and counselors alike, stealthy ninjas and rogue pirates arrive ready to fill up on some delicious evening fare. “Arggghhh,” they sneered, giggling as they held their hooked hands high into the sky. The ninjas were silent as their masked faces tip toed through the gravel path. Cabin by cabin, groups of campers streamed by, eyepatches, bandanas, tutus, trash bags, leotards, and so much more being looped and…