Author Archives: Circus Smirkus
Vaudeville Show Pitch

Editor’s Note: This post was written by Tour Communications Intern Jenna Danyew Longtime Smirkus Composer Peter Bufano slowly turned up the volume on his laptop. His original score filled the rafters of the circus barn and wrapped itself around the troupers huddled on the floor a few feet away. They paused, coconut and strawberry popsicles hovering a few inches from their mouths as they leaned back into each other, a collective unit. Mark Lonergan’s theatrical voice spoke over the music. “OK troupers, it’s time for the show pitch!” he announced, turning on the slide projector and starting his presentation. For those of…
Mt. Lebanon School Residency

Meet Smirkus Residency artists Joy Powers and Nettie Lane, and learn about our recent residency at the Mount Lebanon Elementary School in Lebanon, New Hampshire. Smirkus Residencies bring our veteran circus educators into your school or after-school program to provide expert instruction in the circus arts. Students receive instruction in juggling, diabolo, devil sticks, rolla bolla, balance, plate spinning and more. Based in a curriculum approach that is aligned with the principles of social-emotional learning, students develop powers of concentration, focus, and persistence. Our residencies are classroom-ready and can be easily integrated into a larger learning unit in the classroom….
Letter from a Trouper: Lola Picayo

Editor’s note: This post was written by Lola Picayo, 5th year trouper. Smirkus has taught me more in the past five years than I ever imagined I’d learn in a tent. More than just incredible circus skills and performance ability, I’ve learned how to interact with people from diverse backgrounds, hold my own in unfamiliar spaces and truly revel in being myself. Smirkus has given me my best friend, a network of familiar faces across the Northeast, and a confidence and faith in myself I’m not sure I would’ve found had I not been accepted on tour in 2014. My first year…
From Camper To Trouper: Asom Hayman-Jones

Editor’s note: The video interview below was conducted at live auditions in January at the New England Center for Circus Arts. Asom Hayman-Jones is a former Smirkus camper and now first year trouper; read his blog post below. Me? I’m an athlete born in New York but raised in a small town in Vermont. For most of my life, I had no connection to the circus. All that was on my mind was school, sports, and music. I lived most of my life going to a public school, in the band and playing 3 year-round sports. At that time, this was all that was…
Juggling Across America
Watch as the 2018 Big Top Tour troupers juggle their way across America!
Hollywood Actor, Chris Grabher

“Smirkus runs deep in our veins.” In a phone interview Chris Grabher explains how Smirkus impacted his life personally and professionally. At age 10, Chris auditioned and was accepted to be in the Big Top Tour, and performed from 1991-2000. Today Chris lives in LA and is an actor and stunt performer in the television and movie business. “My best friends are from Smirkus. They were at my wedding, they are part of my professional network. I’m fortunate to have them as my core group of people.” When he looks back on his career, he says that Smirkus gave him a…
Meet Brin Schoellkopf

It’s an exciting time for 4th year graduating ENC student and Smirkus Alumni Brin Schoellkopf. This month, he’ll have just performed his wire act at TOHU, a unique performance space located in Montreal created especially for circus arts. Brin, along with another graduating ENC student, had the honor of representing the École Nationale de Cirque in the 3rd annual Coup de Coeur, translating roughly to ‘a special place in your heart’ or ‘falling in love’, a circus variety show featuring circus artists from around the world. This was Brin’s opportunity to try out the new act he’s been developing for final evaluations in…
Happy Campers

We can’t wait to see you at Smirkus Camp this summer! Take a walk through the dorms with the kids of Smirkus Camp in this video that will have you dancing in your seat!
Winooski Middle School

In the fall of 2017 Circus Smirkus received a grant from the Vermont Agency of Education via its Flexible Pathways program to conduct a 7-week circus residency with the 6th graders at Winooski Middle School in Winooski, VT. The grant allowed us the unique opportunity to create an extended learning provider model that aligns circus arts education with social and emotional learning outcomes. Watch this video to learn more: Learn more about bringing a residency to your school.
Meet Ruby Frank

Editor’s note: This post was written by Ruby Frank, 1st year trouper & former Smirkus Camper. She is the ten year old daughter of Daniel Frank (former Smirkus Camp Coach & former Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus clown) and Deena Marcum Selko (former Smirkus Camp Coach and Founder, Artistic Director & Head Coach of the Moth Poetic Circus in Denver, Colorado. Watch the video for an interview with Ruby and then read her post below: I guess you could say that I am a “Smirkus baby”. My Mom is an aerialist and she runs her own circus school and my Dad was…