Smirkus Camp July Fourth Celebration

Author Archives: Circus Smirkus

Smirkus Camp July Fourth Celebration

This blog post was written by Katja Orlow-Ornstein, Camp Program Director and PR Intern Session II started off with a bang, quite literally. Campers were able to watch the town fireworks on Monday night create an impressive display over Caspian Lake. The views from camp are amazing, and despite the slightly later bedtime, it was well worth it. The weather has finally dried up a bit, and the sun has made many appearances throughout this session. The days have been filled with our fun and zany circus activities as well as a large variety of  non-circus related games, and of…

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In Uncertain Times For Circuses, Smirkus Thrives

Editor’s note: This story first appeared in the Times Argus/Rutland Herald newspaper on July 1, 2017 and was written by Stephen Mills. Video used by permission. The year 2017 marks some important milestones in circus history, both nationally and locally. This year marks Smirkus’ 30th anniversary, and also when its longtime executive director, Ed LeClair, will step down. “It’s very much like the politicians say, ‘I’m going to spend more time with my family,’” said LeClair, who has overseen 15 annual seasons of the Greensboro traveling troupe. “I’ve spent my career making stars and now I get to sit back…

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Opening Day and First Jump Success

July 2 was opening day for the 30th Anniversary Big Top Tour in Greensboro.  It was a huge success!  The Troupers performed to sold out crowds in both the 1pm and 6pm show- what a way to kick off the 30th Anniversary of Circus Smirkus! During the intermission of the second show, Patrick Chikoloma, a first year Trouper from Zambia, placed the Zambian flag on top of the entrada, while the Zambian national anthem played in the Big Top.  Circus Smirkus celebrates their international community, with past Troupers coming from all over the world.  We are proud to welcome Patrick…

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Smirkus Camp is Underway

This blog post was written by Head Counselor Nathan. Hello Smirkus world! Head Counselor Nathan here. I am thrilled to be back at camp welcoming so many returning campers and getting to know the new members of our Smirkus Camp family! Our summer started off by hosting our youngest campers for a day of intro to circus.  We enjoyed a rotation through our two big top tents Mama Mia and Natalie, and a trip to our clown tent Ruby. In the afternoon they got the opportunity to share their new skills with family and friends and to celebrate Pie Day- a Smirkus…

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Opening Day Logistics

Rehearsals are well underway here at 1 Circus Rd.  The Troupers are hitting their marks, the band is playing music for all to hear, the coaches are working through every fine detail, and tech is right on cue.  Truth is, there’s a truckload of work going on behind the scenes to get this tour in motion! Concessionaires are popping popcorn and hanging tutus, while tent crew is putting down gravel in the backstage tent, so that both crew and Troupers are safe, and won’t slip on the mud.  Everyone is doing their part to get ready for the big opening day…

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Arrival Of The Troupers

Another summer, another Big Top Tour from Circus Smirkus!  This year, our 30th Anniversary tour, began like every other – with the whirlwind arrival of troupers in early June for three weeks of rehearsal at Smirkus World Headquarters in Greensboro, Vermont. It was a whirlwind of farewells, joyful reunions, and introductions to the counselors, coaches, directors, staff and crew!  With the Big Top in view, along with Charlotte and the Academy (the names of the accompanying tents and rehearsal spaces), it was a homecoming for all involved in preparing the Big Top Tour, and all were eager to get started on the journey…

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30th Anniversary Banquet

On the Saturday before opening day of the Big Top Tour at Circus Smirkus, each year all of the people involved in putting on the show enjoy a fabulous meal and “No Talent Talent Show” on the grounds of Smirkus World HQ in Greensboro, Vermont. Enjoy the pictures below for a peak into our celebration. Banquet is a annual opportunity for Troupers, staff, and crew to celebrate the impending opening of the Big Top Tour on the last Saturday before the show opens.  Featuring phenomenal food lovingly prepared by the incomparable Pie Boss Andrew Levy and Pie Car staff, the meal was followed by speeches…

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Getting Camp Ready

On Saturday June 3, volunteers around Vermont came to Circus Smirkus camp to decorate and beautify the grounds for the 2017 camp season. At Smirkus camp, we take our responsibility as temporary surrogate circus parents very seriously. From homesickness to the highwire to their health, we promise to be vigilant, caring and prepared. Your kids become family to us and they will be treated accordingly. We will challenge them, care for them, and support them. And we too will beam with pride at their accomplishments this season. Many thanks to the volunteers who helped us prepare the grounds for Camp. We…

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Circus Season Begins

Ed LeClair, Circus Smirkus Producer and Executive Director

​I often get the question, “How in the world do you guys put together a circus?” I don’t know how other people do it, but here at Smirkus we keep it simple. I tell staff, “Start by recognizing that you are a part of something larger than yourself. Encourage each other to take pride in all our combined efforts. Be kind, funny, and imaginative. Welcome every new person you meet. Feed whimsy whenever you can. Everything else will take care of itself.” Right now it’s hard to hear yourself think around here. There is a constant staccato of hammers and…

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Reflections on Smirkus Adult Camp

Editor’s Note: This blog post first appeared in Misadventures Magazine, and was written by former Smirkus Adult Camper Jennifer Brodowski, who works for the U.S Army in Civil Service, stationed in Wiesbaden, Germany. There’s still room for you at Smirkus Adult Camp (June 8-10, 2018) In 2016, the famous traveling youth circus and camp, Circus Smirkus, opened its doors for the first time to adult campers, for an aptly-named “Big Kid Camp.” Until now, Circus Smirkus has made its name working with children: every year, they select 30 performers aged 18 and under to perform in the Circus Smirkus traveling show…

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