Author Archives: Circus Smirkus
Miming Workshop!

SPECIAL EVENT! Miming Workshop with Soleyman Pierini Have you ever wanted to learn to mime? We’re excited to offer this special workshop to anyone who wants to learn new movement skills, whether you love clowning or theater or just want to have some fun and a laugh! All ages & levels are welcome. Learn the 7 axis and 4 dynamics of movement – these are the very basics of mime – and then “fixed point”, which is used to create the classic mime illusions. You’ll practice miming skills and perhaps even learn about pantomiming, which is the art of creating…
Circus Smirkus Alumni in Summer 2020

The 2020 Smirkus summer proved to be extraordinary. And in this time of resilience, our Smirkus alumni stepped up to participate in our Smirk-o-Vision online entertainment series, coached Smirkus Camp under COVID-19 quarantine restrictions, and behind the scenes as staff. Our Smirkus alumni continue to create and share what it is to spread Smirkus magic. Thank you!
Lighting the Magical Fire

Editor’s Note: This post was written by 2020 Smirkus Camp Coach, Lindsay Culbert-Olds What inspires me about working at Circus Smirkus is the energy. There is an almost constant flow of positivity and a transformative spirit of inclusion that fills the campus. We call this the “Smirkus Magic.” What I have learned from working at Circus Smirkus is that there really is no “magic.” This quality is not inherently present; Smirkus staff works hard to light this magical fire. The innocence and genuine excitement of the campers provide the fuel – just as in the circus ring, the performers put…
Resilience at Smirkus Camp

Watch the video above to see the joy, magic, and spirit of Building A Circus Village at Smirkus Camp, Summer 2020. Click here to make a gift to our Resilient and Ready campaign and help Circus Smirkus bounce back!
A Dream

Editor’s Note: This post was written by Head Coach Doug Stewart It’s been just over a week since campers left, and yet it feels like a lifetime. After all of the campers left on Friday, August , I headed for home in Boston. Once I arrived, I was surrounded by the all too familiar feeling I get whenever I leave Smirkus. Similar to the “Circus Magic” we all talk about, it is impossible to describe. But for those who have experienced it, they know the exact feeling. It’s the feeling of waking up from a dream. Whenever we arrive at Smirkus Camp…
Eric Allen
Eric Allen, Big Top Tour trouper 2006-2008 2020 Smirkus Camp coach Eric Allen started performing in the circus when he was 15 years old for Nimble Arts in Brattleboro VT. Since then he has toured with Circus Smirkus, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey, Circus Sarasota, The Midnight Circus, and Big Apple Circus. A lifelong love of silent movies and slapstick has motivated him to combine theater and circus in an equal and balanced way. He appeared in the Theater in the Open productions A Peter Pan Panto. and Adventures in Zoomland.
Chase Culp
Chase Culp, Big Top Tour trouper 2011-2013 Clown Coach All Sessions Chase Culp grew up in the bland suburbs of Houston, Texas and started performing at a young age. He toured for three summers as a clown with Circus Smirkus and then joined Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey straight out of high school. He has gone on to perform in over 10 countries, including a festival in India, a theme park in Abu Dhabi, a family-owned circus in Switzerland, and on stage in the internationally acclaimed production Slava’s Snowshow. He was most recently on tour with Venardos Circus. …
Guest Speakers

“When one door closes another one opens” is an adage I have heard bandied around for much of my life. The adage is usually spoken when something goes wrong. I understand the sentiment behind it – we should look for the opportunities that open up around us. With Smirkus Camp in a quarantine “bubble” this summer, the actual door to camp was closed once we had all our campers in residence at camp. The closed door meant no guests, no visitors. It also meant the guests that I had on tap to speak to campers this summer could not physically get…
Building a Circus Village

Editor’s Note: This post was written by Head Coach Doug Stewart Greetings from Smirkus Camp! We’re already into the third week of camp and the days are starting to blend together. In our bubble up in Northern Vermont, we’re running on circus time. The days are long but the weeks are short and there is magic to be found in every moment. Following the announcement that Smirkus Camp is COVID-19 free – which will forever be one of my most cherished Circus Smirkus moments – we’ve shifted gears and have implemented a new training schedule. During the first two weeks of camp, everyone was…
Smirkus Camp Celebration

Enjoy these videos capturing the moments where the campers and staff were told that everyone has tested negatives for COVID-19 and that the pods could be disbanded. The joy is palpable!