The Bay State Troupers
This year Circus Smirkus has troupers from Texas to Vermont to Washington to Canada, but our biggest crowd hails from from Massachusetts; home of the Boston Red Sox, Plymouth Rock, and six of our troupers. Learn a little bit about the kids getting to perform in their home state this week.

Alexa Wang
Alexa Wang
Alexa is a 2nd year trouper. This year, Alexa is playing “The Diva”, a singer extraordinaire that is desperate to make her big break, if only the mishaps and misadventures along the way would let her song be heard.
Keep an eye out for her in other personas throughout the show as well. She’s in the Juggling Jewels, an all female juggling act, and the Wondrous Wheelers, our team of unicyclists.

Chase Levy
Chase Levy
Chase is a 3rd year trouper, known inside the ring as Chase the Base, the guy you can count on to flip, twist, and send acrobats flying through the air in multiple acts.
Chase is also in the diablo duo act, which takes the audience on an unexpected trip to the wild west.
This talented trouper also has some behind the scenes expertise, creating videos of the adventures on tour and goods for sale in the concessions tent.

Eva Lou Rhinelander
Eva Lou Rhinelander
Eva Lou is a 3rd year trouper whose bubbly personality sticks with her inside the ring as she hula hoops, wire walks, and clowns around.
Eva Lou is also one of our bendiest performers, creating complex shapes and getting all tied up with the other contortionists on tour.
Excited to see our trained seals in action? Eva Lou is one of them!

Glenn Doyle, top
Glenn Doyle
Glenn is a 1st year trouper with Smirkus and has found a place for himself as our “Boss Clown”. You’ll see him flipping, falling, and failing to get his stagehands to do their job, all to the tune of audience laughter.
Glenn is also a flyer in our banquine act, making it just about to the top of the tent as he does a split in mid-air.

Ora Lin
Ora Lin
Ora is a 1st year trouper, memorable from the minute Circus Smirkus saw her clowning around on a trapeze during auditions.
Ora is one of the Aerial Angels, a group of six troupers who open the second act on a lyra carousel. She also finds herself all the way at the top of a three-high, a difficult trick where she stands on the shoulders of one trouper, who is already standing on the shoulders of somebody else!

William Borges (left) and Serafina Walker (right)
Serafina Walker
Serafina is a 3rd year trouper known for her big smile and enthusiasm on stage. She is in a duo straps act this year which never fails to dazzle audiences as she twists above their heads and demonstrates her strength and grace. She is also one of the main acrobats, never afraid to get flung around and even flip through a hula hoop.
These troupers are each bursting with a personality and unique talent that add so much to the show. The only way to really see what they have to offer is to find a seat in our star covered Big Top Tent, grab a bucket of popcorn, and let them show you the magic of the circus.