Franciscan Children’s Hospital

For the third year, our troupe of thirty Smirkos visited Franciscan Children’s Hospital in Massachusetts to perform a special show for the kids in treatment there. The troupe performs about 20 minutes of material and then had the opportunity to meet and greet with the kids in attendance. Bringing our show to the hospital allows a group of children to experience a Smirkus show that they would not typically be able to attend due to their healthcare needs. It is a powerful and heart-warming experience for the Smirkos and spectators alike. Click on the images below to see a larger photo:
Local gymnast takes talent to circus

Editor’s note: This story first appeared in the News Messenger in Christiansburg, VAon July 31, 2018 and was written by Marty Gordon. Hannah Grove was one of the performers in the Virginia Techniques Rock Star Gymnastics meet held this summer at the Christiansburg Recreation Center. But in the back of her mind, she was dreaming of being somewhere else. This summer she ran away to join the circus. “I started dreaming of running away with the circus when I was about six years old and saw my first Cirque (circus) show. It inspired me to start training basic circus things” Grove said. Her parents didn’t…
Theo comes home when Smirkus comes to town

Editor’s note: This story first appeared in the Times Record in Brunswick, ME on August 3, 2018 and was written by Emily Cohen. Theo LeBlanc can juggle eight balls. Or seven rings. Or six clubs. In short, he’s talented. This summer the 15 -year-old from South Portland is showing off his skills — which also include clowning and acrobatics — in the Circus Smirkus Big Top Tour, which comes to the Maine Coast Waldorf School in Freeport Aug. 6-7. Founded in 1987, Circus Smirkus is a non-profit and educational organization that hosts camps, school programs and the only professional touring youth circus in…
Smirkos Eva Lou, Chase and Glenn

Local teens take on big adventure Editor’s note: This story first appeared on Wicked Local on July 30, 2018 and was written by Diane McLaughlin. Photos by Ruby Wallau Each year about 100 young people audition to perform in the annual Circus Smirkus summer tour, but only 30 get selected. After three years of receiving one of the coveted spots, Newton’s Chase Levy does not take the accomplishment for granted. “I’m much more driven to better myself during the summer because I’m surrounded by such amazing people, amazing artists, and our coaches are so great,” 17-year-old Levy said during Circus Smirkus’ recent stop in…
Circus Smirkus returning to Northampton

Editor’s note: This story first appeared on MassLive on July 25, 2018 and was written by Keith O’Connor She’s just 15 and about to enter her sophomore year of high school, and already Serafina Walker knows what she wants to be “when she grows up.” One of the stars of the Circus Smirkus 2018 Big Top Tour coming to the Three County Fairgrounds in Northampton on July 31 and Aug. 1, Walker said she hopes to go to circus college in Europe or Canada after graduating from the Stoneleigh-Burnham School, then join a traveling circus. The Circus Smirkus Big Top Tour is the…
The Bay State Troupers

This year Circus Smirkus has troupers from Texas to Vermont to Washington to Canada, but our biggest crowd hails from from Massachusetts; home of the Boston Red Sox, Plymouth Rock, and six of our troupers. Learn a little bit about the kids getting to perform in their home state this week. Alexa Wang Alexa is a 2nd year trouper. This year, Alexa is playing “The Diva”, a singer extraordinaire that is desperate to make her big break, if only the mishaps and misadventures along the way would let her song be heard. Keep an eye out for her in other…
Circus Snacks

“Cotton candy, as Matt ‘Toy Store’ Zimmerman would say, truly is magic in a bag,” says Brian, the backlot manager, when asked his opinions on popcorn and cotton candy. Cotton candy and popcorn go with circus like jugglers and acrobats; you just can’t have the full circus experience without these classic treats. But what about the people who spend every day around the stuff? Is one snack better than the other? I set out to find some answers for you, and here they are. “I prefer to eat popcorn while I watch the show, and I watch the show every…
When The Show Must Go On

“Ora,” said Troy, “go find your costume to see if it will fit Alexa.” So spoke Artistic Director Troy Wunderle to troupers Ora Lin and Alexa Wang. Ora was fighting a stomach bug and Alexa needed to fill in for her and learn the act as soon as possible. In just two hours, in fact, Alexa would both learn and perform the act in front of a live audience. With her lunch in hand, Alexa studied a video of the aerial performance on a laptop, her eyes watching every move the girls made, and in particular, every move Ora made. The act, called “lyra carousel”, features six troupers hanging…
Four Sold Out Shows!

Essex Junction, VT proved to be a great success! We recently had four SOLD OUT shows at the Champlain Valley Exposition and it really gave life to our new show Vaudeville. There’s nothing like peeking through the curtain to see a full tent of happy ticket holders to drive the energy way up for the performers. Essex Junction was a happy reprieve after the recent heat wave in Waitsfield. Summers in New England, especially in Vermont where a large chunk of the shows play, aren’t known for their heat. Temperatures usually hover in the 80s, leaving the higher temps to…
Circus Smirkus coming to Manchester

Editor’s note: This story first appeared in the Rutland Herald on July 4, 2018 and was written by Patrick McArdle MANCHESTER — It’s news as American and exciting as Fourth of July fireworks: The circus is coming to town. Circus Smirkus will perform four times in Manchester, two shows each on July 12 and 13. The four shows are the closest to Rutland County this season. Troy Wunderle, creative director at Circus Smirkus, described it as the only touring youth circus in America. This year, the circus has 30 performers between the ages of 10 and 18 from 14 different states and Canada….