Circus Blogs: Camp News Big Top Tour News Residency News

The official Circus Smirkus Camp Blog

The Art of Clowning

At Smirkus Camp, aerials, juggling and acrobatics always translate well to photography and video. We can see the beautiful skills unfold with strength and flexibility. There’s another artform taught at Smirkus Camp that is harder to show in photos and produces a unique magic with real time audience participation: The Art of Clowning! Don’t be fooled, the physical comedy in clowning also takes strength and flexibility to achieve. Clowning requires a sensitivity to emotion and an ability to produce timely reactions that connects to the audience through laughter, empathy, and sometimes a touch of sadness. You can find Smirkus Camp’s…

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End of Session II, Beginning of Session III

Session II ended with a bang! 85 kids in one circus tent, performing 10 different acts, an opening, a finale and a “Hup! Hey!” for our Smirkus family audience! It is a true mark of skill and professionalism that every single camper worked together to create an entire show with our talented coaches. The campers performed with beaming smiles and bright eyes. We are so proud of our campers for the hard work they put in the past two weeks, going outside their comfort zones, learning challenging new pyramid combinations, tumbling, and choreography. Congratulations to all for a successful show!…

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Smirkus Camp Staff Talent Show

Last night was a special night for Session II campers because Smirkus Camp Staff had the opportunity to share our skills with the campers in the Staff Talent Show! We have an incredibly skilled staff. Being able to see everyone’s professional acts really is a treat. The campers LOVED seeing their coaches, counselors and office staff perform, giving us a glimpse into their professional lives as living, breathing, and hard-working circus performers! The campers see their own potential reflected in the coaches (many of whom were once Smirkus campers and Smirkus Troupers too!) While campers come to 41 Clown Alley…

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Fun in the Sun!

Happy Tutu Tuesday! Yesterday the campers kicked off the second week by planning their acts for the Session II Showcase! These kids have been working incredibly hard and we are so looking forward to sharing their progress with friends, parents and family on Friday. From clowning to pyramids, to Spanish web routines, and diabolo, you are in for a real treat as campers will show off their acts in Mama Mia! The first week everyone spent time developing new skills, building on foundations and brainstorming their final performance but now the focus is (almost) entirely on creating those acts. Parents,…

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Happy Fourth of July!

The whole town of Greensboro and all of Smirkus Camp celebrated by marching down past The Willey’s Store to the Town Hall in the Greensboro Funky Fourth of July parade. Leading the Smirkus Camp jugglers, hula hoopers, diabolo-twirlers, and kazoo-players atop the backseat of longtime Greensboro resident Clive Gray’s 1930 Pierce-Arrow convertible were three stars of Greensboro: our red-nosed Circus Smirkus founder Rob Mermin, Junior Salls and Mark Lichtenstein. It is truly amazing the magic that one person with a dream can build. Over the past 28 years that dream lit a spark in people’s hearts, and the dream grew…

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Sunset in the NEK

Double rainbows, the Northern Lights, mist through the mountains, beautiful rain showers and incredible sunsets are just a daily part of life at Smirkus Camp. In our fast paced lives, we are truly thankful to be able to appreciate the natural world everyday. Yesterday the sunset painted the clouds above the mountain a pastel sorbet… I wanted to take a huge bite but instead I set up the GoPro and captured a time lapse of the waning daylight. Take a look and enjoy! All the best, Hannah

Tutu Tuesday!

Hey! Let me ask you something…I know you are probably having a really fantastic Tuesday. I know your Tuesday is top notch. But what does your Tuesday not have? Is the answer a tutu? Yes? Then read more to find out about how your very own tutu will enhance every aspect of your Tuesday schedule! Scientists everywhere agree that tutus are a critical component to living a full, productive and FUN Tuesday. Why have a normal Tuesday when you can have a Tutu Tuesday?! What are the benefits of a tutu on Tuesday? Find out below! Tutus are extraordinarily beneficial…

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Magic is on the way…

Session II of Smirkus Camp is underway! A Smirkus week flies by so fast, which is why we love these two-week sessions. Over the next 14 days we will really get to know the campers who arrived yesterday; we will become little family units, working together and even celebrating a holiday together, the FUNKY FOURTH! This summer staff and campers are so excited to march in the Greensboro 4th of July Parade, complete with silly costumes, hula hoops, some juggling and a lot of clowning around! We are very happy to see new and old faces who have come to…

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Smirkus Camp Session I: Through the lens of Head Counselor, Pheylan Martin

Smirkus Camp Session I has come to a close! For our very first official week-long Session at our brand new permanent home, we will recap the week for you via a very special guest. Head Counselor Pheylan Martin, from East Granville, Vermont, first came to camp in 2002 (through 2010) as a camper. Now in his fourth season on staff, as Head Counselor, you can find him around campus juggling, unicycling, and (this week) taking magnificent photos–sharing his talent behind a camera for all of us to enjoy! Pheylan studied Engineering at the University of Vermont, and will be returning…

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First Day of Summer, First Day of Camp!

Here at Smirkus Camp, the first day of summer means that our Session I campers have arrived! We have over 80 campers joining us from all over the U.S. for a full week of circus challenges, goofy games, and incredible summer memories. My role at registration is to take a photo of every camper with their name tags. This helps us make sure we capture every camper having a blast at Smirkus Camp! While taking photos, I got to poll the campers to find out what they were most excited to try while here this week, and aerial silks was…

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