Circus Summer Fun
Dear Smirkus Family and Friends,
It is a hot day here for our first show in Northampton, MA. We’ve had a series of two day stops on tour so our staff and Troupers are looking forward to a leisurely three day, five show stop here. The kids hung out Trouper Cameron Zweir’s house today where they swam, watched movies, and partook of brownie Sundays, generally making everyone here on lot setting up extremely jealous.

With the exception of the ladies on staff who had Ladies Night at the batting cages and minnie golf the night before.
We’ve got a busy few days coming up though. We have a ton of different press engagements coming to the show today, which will be keeping the Troupers, staff, and myself busy.

Head counselor Wendy and her husband Nick, our unicycle coach practicing in our lot.
We also had a live-stream of one our acts on facebook the other day. Troupers Cameron Zweir and Ripley Burns performed their “hot air balloon” cradle act. The act is set up in such a way so that the top of the tent gives the appearance of being the balloon and the cradle the basket. If you haven’t seen it yet, you can watch it here on our facebook. The grace and strength combined in the act is breathtaking.

Cam and Ripley performing their cradle act.
Lots to look forward to the next few days. Follow us on facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, and twitter for up to the minute updates on all things Smirkus.
Take care,
Filed under: Big Top Tour
Source: Big Top Tour Feed
Circus Summer Fun