Circus Blogs: Camp News Big Top Tour News Residency News


. . . and the aerialist, and the juggler.

Today’s excitement, if you haven’t guessed, was that Costume Designer Katrin LeBlond and Tour Wardrobe Supervisor Siobhan Martel drove down from Montreal with racks of colorful, way-cool costumes. We’ve promised the directors and the troupers not to give too much away, but the “reporter’s specs” modeled by Siobhan give you a flavor:

We’re lucky that Siobhan tours with the troupe, repairing, washing and caring for the costumes and keeping us all in high spirits with her indefatigable energy and good humor. But we were sad to say goodbye to Katrin  — it was back to her fashion design business in Montreal after just a few short hours in Greensboro. Before she left, we snagged this interview.


A PR update:  We’re thrilled to report that a piece on Kate Schroeder and her cohort of cooks in the Pie Car will be running this week in Seven Days, the Burlington arts weekly. Lovely that  these members of our “creative team” are finally getting some much-deserved media attention. We’re even more thrilled that the food they make for us – 3 times a day, 7 days a week – is so appealing, healthful, and delicious.

The pace is quickening, the excitement mounting. Thirteen days until showtime!

Marialisa Calta
PR Specialist

