Opening Day Logistics
Rehearsals are well underway here at 1 Circus Rd. The Troupers are hitting their marks, the band is playing music for all to hear, the coaches are working through every fine detail, and tech is right on cue. Truth is, there’s a truckload of work going on behind the scenes to get this tour in motion!
Concessionaires are popping popcorn and hanging tutus, while tent crew is putting down gravel in the backstage tent, so that both crew and Troupers are safe, and won’t slip on the mud. Everyone is doing their part to get ready for the big opening day in Greensboro, VT on July 2 despite all the rain.
In between all the hard work, we do find some time for some fun! The troupers recently made a Trouper & Staff mailbox where Troupers and Staff can write each other notes, which are then passed out at lunch. It really does brighten ones day when they receive a note. It makes the sense of family here at Smirkus even stronger.
This morning, a large grumble was coming from outside the Barn. Turns out Gunna, our Tour and Concessions Administrative Assistant and overall go-to gal, was driving a four-wheeler. She even had on her sparkly pink rain boots, showing everyone that you can, in fact, four-wheel in style. There were some problems getting it to work, so our wonderful Operations Director, Judy, and our handy Pie Car chef, Andrew, lent a helping hand. It certainly did add a bit of excitement to a rather routine morning and who doesn’t need a four wheeler in rural Vermont?
Circus Smirkus is spreading the joy of laughter, imagination, skill, and talent all over New England this summer. To get things in gear, our Marketing Director Diane and the Tour PR Intern Rachel, put up posters in Hanover, NH in the rain! No matter the weather, Smirkus celebrates its staff and the incredibly hardworking Troupers who come together to create an unforgettable and inspiring experience for all.

Rachel and Diane putting up fliers
We are only 2 days away from opening day! If you want to join this crazy crew for a Midnight at the Museum experience, get your tickets here, before its too late!