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How the Circus Leaves

Today marks our last day of shows. It’s bittersweet, looking back on how far we have come. There are so many memories to cherish from the summer and yet, the Big Top Tour 2014 is coming to a close. Today is full of laughs, smiles, tears, and hugs (mostly hugs!) as Troupers and staff reminisce.

Below is a poem that Counselor Andrew wrote while on tour. And remember: live in the moment!


Counselor Andrew and Gnome Sven

Counselor Andrew and Gnome Sven

How the Circus Leaves

It was July 4th when
I missed the circus.
Alone on a Diamond bike I
arrived; sweaty & a geode, shining.

With steely grips
they rolled up the big tent:
a lollipop back in its wrapper.
Spunk and bombastic brilliance

rolled & folded–
suddenly the circus’s best trick was
shrinking & vanishing.
Diminishing daylight

reflected reassurance in that
high marmoreal hole filling & spilling
what was left, overflowing with promise that
circus clammer would return in flood.

Speaking of:
rain like curtains on
their bulbous shoulders bulging like clouds,
all aquatic & bending & bending bending bending.

As I rode away soaked
those lights from the tent top
blared like skulls unearthed,
chattering after persistent pendulums.

Then I couldn’t sleep for all I knew of life exploded
scattering the debris of me,
each bit echoing in my caverns
that aloneness is packed community.

-Andrew Jones

