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A Smirkus Welcome to Intermediate and Road Show!

Editor’s Note: This post was written by Camp Photographer & Communications Assistant Will Ciardelli

We are now in the fifth week at Smirkus Camp, just beginning the Intermediate Camp two week session, and the start of the five week Road Show session. We wrapped up last week with our All Levels two week camp’s showcase on Friday which went far above any of our expectations for an All Levels program.

The kids executed amazing performances filled with beautiful aerial acts, impressive juggling routines and some hilarious clown gags. It was a full week of intensive rehearsals to prepare, and it’s easy to say that it all paid off. There wasn’t a member of the audience who wasn’t grinning ear to ear, proud of what their campers had learned and accomplished in such a short amount of time.

We now welcome our new campers to the Intermediate Skills Intensive, Intermediate Camp, and our Roadshow groups! Intermediate Camp is a session for those who are have some circus experience or are more experienced in acrobatics and movement (say from gymnastics or dance or theater arts), and maybe a bit older than those who typically come to our all levels sessions. The Intermediate Skills Intensive sessions helps campers improve foundational circus skills in a variety of disciplines, but focuses on the camper’s choice of a specialized skill they want to work on while here at camp. This includes goal setting, and keeping track of skill development as the session progresses. Road Show is a longer session for those who want to grow their performance skills, where the focus is around creating an actual show and then taking it on the road to local communities within about one to two hours from Greensboro with Smirkus Camp as the home base.

This week our nine Roadshow campers will enjoy the camp experience, going through rotations and taking a variety of different classes before they go into their show creation period next week. This week, they will also be coming up with theme ideas for their show with the help of Road Show Director. In previous years we have had shows about A Day in the Life, Olympics, and Road Trip! Stay tuned to hear more about Road Show and our Intermediate Camp sessions.

