We Are Off to a Wonderful Start
Editor’s Note: This post was written by Summer Camp Director William Forchion

Photo by Assistant Camp Director, Amira Silverman
Summer 2019 has begun. We have welcomed one session of adult campers and two mini sessions of Smirklings. Most recently we welcomed our beginning circus campers. It is an honor to step into the role of Camp Director and Chief Miracle Conjurer.
Arriving in early June, it was a pleasure to see the tent crew do their magic setting up the tents. First Mama Mia went up followed quickly by the raising of Natalie then Ruby and Flo. And just like that Greensboro, VT once again becomes a circus oasis. Seeing the colorful tents stretching for the sky out of the verdant Vermont pasture land it is not hard to imagine the magic they will muster.
Not long after the tents went up the coaching staff arrived. The coaches quickly shook the dust off the equipment stored in the dorms since last summer. They wasted no time getting the equipment to the tents and the tents ready for campers. The coaches coming from all over the circus world in time to share tricks and road stories with each other.
The Counselors arrived to help set up the dorms and finish setting up the tents just in time to guide the youngest campers, our Smirklings for their mini session.
It is exciting to have a Coaching and Counseling staff of wonderful people with incredible talent. In the short time that we have spent together it is clear to see that we are aligned in our goal to nurture healthy bodies and minds. The support the staff gives to each other is only eclipsed by the support the staff gives to the campers.
Getting the camp ready for campers took some effort and we could not have accomplished the task without the amazing food prepared by the kitchen staff. The folks in the kitchen have provided us with food to meet every need: gluten free, dairy free, vegan and vegetarian. There is so much positive energy radiating at camp from the coaches to the counselors to the kitchen staff it is extremely clear that this is going to be a great summer.