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Overnight it to Sandwich!

Our jump from Waltham to Sandwich, MA,  was a bit out of the ordinary. Usually, our final show at any site finishes  at 8 or 9 p.m. But on Sunday, July 31,  we had no evening show in Waltham, so the curtain closed about 1 pm, after a morning show. This meant that for the first time during the 2011 tour, we got to “tear down” (take down the tent)  and “load out” (pack up and leave) in daylight.

This schedule threw my body clock off.  Usually three to four hours after the last  show at night, I am fast asleep in my room. But not at 1 pm!  Several of the troupers were scheduled to leave load-out early to perform at a screening of “Circus Dreams” at the Woods Hole International Film Festival.  Since the prop truck was missing several of its load-out helpers, the staff jumped in and helped fill in the gaps.

When the truck was packed up, the entire staff was recruited to tent crew to finish our load-out even sooner than we had scheduled. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I wielded a 20-pound sledge hammer and loosened stakes during tear-down! This communication internship is certainly giving me a well-rounded education. We were off the lot in Waltham by 6:30 p.m. – record time!  – and en route to Sandwich!

As soon as we made it to the grounds of the Heritage Museums & Gardens in Sandwich, the tent started going up again in preparation for yesterday’s 7 p.m. performance. When I woke up yesterday morning, I was totally awestruck when I saw the entire lot was set up for shows.

Our crew is remarkable!

Don’t forget: Sandwich shows at 2 & 7 pm Aug 2 & 3. Tickets here or at 1-877-SMIRKUS (1-877-764-7587).

Tour Communications Intern

