Rope Climbing and Little Sugar
As I’m writing this, we’ve finished setting up in St. Johnsbury. We said goodbye to Essex Junction and a packed house on Thursday and we’re hoping to get more of the same here in St. Johnsbury. So much has happened in the last few days so I’ll try my best to get you caught up.
We had local 22 and 44 come to the lot early last Tuesday so we could be a part of their morning show. We introduced host Alaina Pinto to all things circus including clowning, juggling, and lyra work. She saw a preview of our penny-farthing and learned a bit about the rigging system for our aerialists and wire-walkers which is quickly becoming my favorite thing to learn about as well (while we’re on the subject, here is a completely unrelated photo of me learning how to climb a rope ladder. There is a trick to it!).

Just style and smile.
In case you missed it live cause you weren’t up early enough, here is a link to the segment on the website. There’s some very cool circus content and Alaina is as charming on camera as she was in person.
Now for a really cute story! People often lose things under the bleachers when they’re at the circus and we try our best to get them back after the show even if it sometimes seems like the big top eats them. However, we had a special guest return to the big top on Wednesday. Tani Gonzalez wrote to us on our facebook to remind us of our joke show last year where her daughter BG lost her toy rabbit Little Sugar. As someone who was attached to their favorite stuffed animals far longer than I am comfortable admitting, I can understand how traumatizing that could have been. Imagine their surprise when they found out that Little Sugar had not only been located, but had been adopted into the Troup! Apparently when Little Sugar was back home, she told her family all about her adventures at the circus. Mom and daughter then made the story into a book, illustrated by BG and bound. Tani said that she made a copy but BG and Little Sugar wanted Smirkus to have the original.

The authoresses plus little brother.
It’s currently making the rounds with the Troupers who wanted to read it but it will eventually have a permanent home at the barn. Here is a link to Tani’s facebook comment if you want to ready what she said and see some pictures from the book. Thank you so much Gonzalez’s!
The tents are up and ready in St. Johnsbury so hurry up and come see us here!

The view from up on that rope ladder taken by LeeAnn, our lighting technician.
Filed under: Big Top Tour
Source: Big Top Tour Feed
Rope Climbing and Little Sugar