Session III Adventures
This blog post is written by Katja Orlow-Ornstein, Program Director/PR Intern and Nathan Eckstein, Head Counselor
It’s hard to believe that Session III is already drawing to a close. All the campers have been working hard to prepare for the show!

Session III campers at the Big Top Tour – Midnight at the Museum
We got some amazing motivation for our Friday show over the weekend when we went to see the 2017 Smirkus tour “Midnight at the Museum” in St. Johnsbury. We bused over to and got our own section at the matinee show. It was fantastic seeing former campers fly high and style and smile in the ring as well as get a chance to meet troupers who share the same passion for circus that we do at camp. It was a lovely warm sunny day and everyone enjoyed the opportunity to get off campus and see the show. Everyone at camp loved this year’s show, and afterwards, campers and troupers had a great opportunity to mingle and share their Smirkus experiences.
As of Sunday, act prep is in full swing. Coaches and campers are working hard together to create fabulous displays of pyramids, slapstick, diabolo, triple trapeze, and so much more! The show is coming together nicely, and we are so excited to share it with you!

Suz and Kelsey clowning around during Session III’s staff show – PC: Grace Gershenfeld
Campers also got an opportunity to be inspired by the Staff Show on Tuesday evening. Coaches and counselors alike pulled out all the stops and presented both acts they had recently come up with, and acts they had been doing for years. Some highlights included a clubs act by Juggling Coach Pher, set to music from High School Musical 2, a beautiful duo straps act just created in the last few weeks by Aerial Coach Lyla and Counselor Amira, and an adorable and slightly unsettling twin partner acro act from Acro Coaches Abbey and Lucy. Clown Coaches Suz and Kelsey also performed a new act and kept everyone entertained during transitions and the inevitable technical difficulties. Energy was high, and campers and staff left the tents feeling invigorated and freshly ready to tackle the challenge of making acts and creating a show.
This two week session flew by, and we can’t wait for everyone to see all of our campers hard work pay off at the Session III showcase on Friday afternoon!