Four Sold Out Shows!

Red skies at night. Photo by concessionaire Sarah Zacharevitz
Essex Junction, VT proved to be a great success! We recently had four SOLD OUT shows at the Champlain Valley Exposition and it really gave life to our new show Vaudeville. There’s nothing like peeking through the curtain to see a full tent of happy ticket holders to drive the energy way up for the performers.
Essex Junction was a happy reprieve after the recent heat wave in Waitsfield. Summers in New England, especially in Vermont where a large chunk of the shows play, aren’t known for their heat. Temperatures usually hover in the 80s, leaving the higher temps to a few tour stops down the road. But neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night will stop these kids from performing.
In years past, the tour has had to content with rain storms that might create a muddy landscape for staking the tent. It might be raining outside, but the tent will stay dry inside.
This year, in Waitsfield, our tent crew found themselves popping up the big top in the high 90s. Audience members messaged concern, asking what Smirkus does to prepare for the heat.

Another way to find shade?
Let me explain: while our tent is not air conditioned, we have a sophisticated ventilation system, so although the air is just as warm as the outside air, the sun is not beating down on you.
We also have sprinklers set-up outside for all ages, young and old, to cool themselves down if needed. We also sell spray fans as well as ice cold beverages such as water, lemonade and iced tea to stay hydrated.
We have palates of sports drinks sitting on ice backstage, vans run AC at full blast to shelter troupers between acts, their faces are glistening with sweat even as they sit still in shorts and tank tops.
The minute the music plays though, and they’re back to life, as energetic and enthusiastic as ever. These troupers are professionals, and there’s nothing that’s going to stop them from bringing smiles to their audience.
So our advice to you, don’t let the heat stop you from coming to a show! Come dressed for the heat, bring drinks or buy drinks in our concessions. Take a run through our sprinklers and then come enjoy the show!

Sprinklers are available to run through for all ages!