Smirkus Camp is Underway
This blog post was written by Head Counselor Nathan.
Hello Smirkus world!
Head Counselor Nathan here. I am thrilled to be back at camp welcoming so many returning campers and getting to know the new members of our Smirkus Camp family!
Our summer started off by hosting our youngest campers for a day of intro to circus. We enjoyed a rotation through our two big top tents Mama Mia and Natalie, and a trip to our clown tent Ruby. In the afternoon they got the opportunity to share their new skills with family and friends and to celebrate Pie Day- a Smirkus tradition that is often surprising and always fun.

Coaches demonstrating the “proper” way to throw a Smirkus Soap Pie!
Our Smirkling campers brought little feet into the dorms for the first time for a one-night two-day camp filled with Aerials, Juggling, Clowning, and Acrobatics. Our campers enjoyed afternoon and evening activities including a superhero dinner dress-up and of course Pie Day and a showcase for families and Friends.
Right now we have 81 campers on campus for our first week-long camp session of the summer. Afternoon choice time is now happening daily, featuring additional skills such as unicycle, dance, trapeze, and contortion.

Snack time laughs in the Baylin Balance Pavilion
Despite some rain, the spirits are high and the campers are having a wonderful time at camp! It’s hard to believe we will have our third summer showcase tomorrow!The campers all arrived with various levels of circus skill, but we know they’ll leave with much more!
~ Nathan, Head Counselor