When The Show Must Go On

Aerial Angels
“Ora,” said Troy, “go find your costume to see if it will fit Alexa.”
So spoke Artistic Director Troy Wunderle to troupers Ora Lin and Alexa Wang. Ora was fighting a stomach bug and Alexa needed to fill in for her and learn the act as soon as possible. In just two hours, in fact, Alexa would both learn and perform the act in front of a live audience.
With her lunch in hand, Alexa studied a video of the aerial performance on a laptop, her eyes watching every move the girls made, and in particular, every move Ora made. The act, called “lyra carousel”, features six troupers hanging and spinning and moving in sync, and is the opening act after intermission in the show.
Troy and Ora talked Alexa through the act and explained each pose, move, and hold she would need to learn in a matter of minutes, instead of the usual 18 days of rehearsal.
And then there’s the costume to consider. Days of fitting and alterations allowed each of the stretchy, frilly, and one-of-a-kind garments to fit each performer exactly, but today, Alexa would have to step into Ora’s shoes quite literally — as well as her leotard, headpiece, and tights!
Troy stood in the middle of the ring, balancing his plate of food like a prop, and coached the girls through the complex act. After some rehearsal time, everyone agreed they were ready to give it a go. During intermission, Alexa slipped into Ora’s spectacular costume and pinned the headband into place. As the show began, the six girls walked slowly and rhythmically into the ring, heads upright with confidence. It was almost as though nothing had changed – but those of us who saw this unfold knew what they were up against.
The audience was transfixed as six pairs of legs pointed in different and symbiotic directions, creating the act’s stunning shapes and visual spectacle together. It was complex and fast-moving, and even I had to look closely to keep my eyes on Alexa, one of the few who knew this was her first time on the carousel.
She was graceful and seamless and a true professional. She rose to the occasion when the show simply had to go on, and while the audience had no idea what had just took place, those of did swelled with pride to watch her skill and showmanship in action. Bravo, Alexa!