Summer Starts with Smirklings
Editor’s Note: This post was written by Communications & Sales Associate Abbey Jermyn

Smirkling Camp starts off the summer season
Hello Smirkus World!
After a week of orientation, the campers have finally arrived here for Smirkling Camp!
This morning was filled with excited campers juggling for the first time, clowning around, trying out the trapeze, tumbling in the acrobatics tent, and so much more!
Tomorrow is another jam-packed day full of circus fun, ending with an all-time camper favorite: PIE DAY! This Smirkus tradition involves campers throwing a pie into the face of a grown-up of their choice (can you tell why they love it?).
I am always astounded by the bravery of our campers. Some have never been away from home, never spent a night without their parents, never set foot in a circus tent, and still they make the choice to come experience camp. Surrounded by unfamiliar faces, in a new setting, they open their minds to experiencing something new. They try things they had only before dreamt of, they come out of their shells and make friends with their bunkmates, they dress up in crazy costumes for dinner, and practice the compassionate circus spirit along the way.

Learning aerials at Smirkling Camp
This session is monumental not only for the campers, but also for the staff members. Although we’ve been training and setting up camp for the last week, the campus absolutely changes when the first campers arrive.
The grounds are filled with a new energy and, though it may sound corny, a real sense of magic and wonder fills the air as we’re able to see the tents through their fresh eyes. Their elation and bravery allows us to rediscover our own love of what we do. Seeing them trying new things, making new friends, and being silly is such a wonderful reminder to be present, be caring, and to laugh at ourselves along the way.
This is just the beginning of a fun-filled summer, and it’s off to a fantastic start. Future campers, we can’t wait to meet you, and Smirklings, thank you for coming to camp and clowning around with us! We’ll see you down the road!

Dinner dress-up time!