A Summer of Unexpected Wonderful
For a good portion of the year the Old Lonegren Farm that houses our camp sits in anticipation among its fields that are only active with the weather. The fields of hay bow in the wind and lie down in the snow awaiting the summer. The summer months do not disappoint, they are filled with surprises.
On July 12, after much planning and re-planning, and campers and staff completed their quarantines, the summer at Smirkus Camp finally began. The plan of a physically distanced registration process came off without a hitch. With each arriving camper came another piece of the magic that is Smirkus Camp. The campers greeting old friends and meeting new ones filled the acres of farmland with joy.

Russian Bar
The campers were quickly introduced to the amazing coaching team with substantial international performing experience. In this year of unexpected wonders the campers will have the chance to learn skills that have not previously been offered at Smirkus Camp like Russian Bar and foot juggling. The campers will also have the opportunity to delve deeper into the history of circus. And with the “Choice Time” elective block, there will also be mentorship time.
It is delightful to watch the campers embrace the changes of our times and adapt them to the Smirkus experience. Coaches adapted spotting techniques to fit with distancing requirements while maintaining the highest safety standards. Our Activities Coordinator, Mariah Fraker, has proven up to the challenge in adapting her zany activities and games to fit the changing times.
The campers are in most capable hands with familiar faces like Cody and Emma leading the counselor team.
I look forward to sharing the amazing stories that we will create as we build the wonder filled circus village over the next month.
The adventure has begun.
William “Mama Bear” Forchion