Trouper Close-Ups: Graham Reicher, Saffi Watson, and Leah Zuckerman
Trouper Close-Ups: Graham Reicher, Saffi Watson, and Leah Zuckerman

Graham Reicher
Graham Reicher is a 14 year old from Piedmont, CA, and he is a second year Trouper. He got his start in circus by seeing Circus Smirkus at the age of three. He was so excited, that by the age of six he started going to Smirkus Camp. Additionally, Graham has trained at the Kinetic Arts Center and is a part of their circus troupe. Graham has learned a lot from being a Trouper, but he says one thing that had really stuck out is the teamwork. “You learn how to work with all sorts of people.” Which comes in handy when you have to work with 29 other Troupers. He says the most challenging part of being a Trouper is not allowing the shows to become routine. “Especially when it is a little later in the summer, it can be hard to stay motivated because we’ve done so many shows. And a lot of the times we are fighting against everything because it is either hot or rainy, or your tired, or your body hurts, but at the end of the day you still have to do a show.” He says his favorite part about being a Trouper is meeting the homestays because he gets to meet a ton of new people! Graham is excited to be at Smrikus again this year, and looks forward to his future in clowning!

Graham performing in the Clown Band

Saffi Watson
Saffi Watson is from Bellevue, WA and is 15 years old. This is her first year as a Trouper and is very excited to be here. Saffi got her start with circus at SANCA. She started in a general circus class where she learned a little bit about everything circus related. After that, she recognized her interests and started training in contortion, hand balance, aerial, and acrobatics. A challenge Saffi has faced while on tour is balancing how much to train without tiring our her body, which the counselors and coaches help the Troupers with. Her favorite part about being a Trouper is the fact that, “all the people are really fun to be around. It’s like a big family, and we all get to travel around together.” Her favorite act she is in this year is Banquine because, “the character is really fun. We get to act like pirates.” After this summer, Saffi will continue to train in her disciplines, and hopes to go professional one day.

Saffi performing during the Handstands act (photo by Bohlen Norden)

Leah Zuckerman
Leah Zuckerman is a 3rd year Trouper from Seattle, WA, and is 18 years old. Leah started training at a circus school in Seattle when a friend of hers suggested it. The most challenging part of tour for Leah is the fact that, “it can be challenging performing almost everyday, twice a day.” She added that it is a lot of work to always be “on” and always interacting with people. What she enjoys most about circus is that it is both a sport and an art form. In this years show, Leah says her favorite act is, “the banquine act. I love the energy and the skill that goes into it.” After tour is over, Leah will be attending Brown University in the fall. She isn’t sure what she will be majoring in yet, but most likely something to do with environmental science. As far as continuing her circus training, Leah says, “I will attempt to train as much as I can to whatever extent that I can.”

Leah performing during the Banquine act
To join Graham, Saffi, and Leah on the 2017 Big Top Tour, get your tickets here!