Circus Blogs: Camp News Big Top Tour News Residency News

Truly Inspired

Greetings Smirkus Family & Friends,

The countdown has begun, we have t-minus 5 days to Opening Day! The Troupers are fine-tuning their acts and dress rehearsals have begun. Our amazing costume designer, Julie Michael, has been working around the clock to produce fantastic Smirkus-style garments that will wow you! I can’t give away all of our secrets though, so be sure to catch a show near you to discover all the surprises we have in store for you.

A sample mock up from costume designer, Julie Michael.

A sample mock up from costume designer, Julie Michael.

We also have had a bevy of Smirko traditional events this week and oh, what fun was had! The weekend started with a visit from Circus Smirkus founder, Rob Mermin. Rob spoke to the Troupers about what it means so be a Smirko and the importance each one of them brings to this tour as true professionals. He doled out words of wisdom, “You’ve got to knock on doors and go after things when you are truly inspired by something.” Lastly he regaled the 2015 Big Top Tour Troupe with Smirkus tales and history. One favorite was the tale of Henrietta, the beloved horse of headquarters’ previous owners, the Richardsons. As the story goes, Henrietta loved the barn so much you can sometimes hear hooves scraping and Rob even followed horse tracks up the hill once!

Circus Smirkus founder Rob Mermin spends time at a Smirko council meeting.

Circus Smirkus founder Rob Mermin spends time at a Smirko council meeting.

On Sunday, we had our annual banquet where the Pie Car chefs truly outdo themselves, and cook up a spread worthy of royalty! After dinner, Troupers thanked the many people who make the show possible. Coaches leave before the Tour sets down the road, so the Troupers gave thank yous, made cards, gave candy and hugs of appreciation to our super talented circus crew.  From the tent crew to admin, pie car, coaches, production team, costume designer and even yours truly we were given such a heartwarming night by these amazing young professionals.

Coach Alisan Funk and Trouper Sandy Kelso hug at the 2015 Smirkus Banquet.

Coach Alisan Funk and Trouper Sandy Kelso hug at the 2015 Smirkus Banquet.

Troupers Lola Picayo and Ariana Wunderle give a warm thanks to their coaches at the 2015 Smirkus Banquet.

Troupers Lola Picayo and Ariana Wunderle give a warm thanks to their coaches at the 2015 Smirkus Banquet.

Trouper Owen Fairchild and Coach Eve Diamond hug after a heartfelt thank you.

Trouper Owen Fairchild and Coach Eve Diamond hug after a heartfelt thank you.

On a final note, Saturday we celebrated our multi-talented Production Manager Josh Shack’s 30th birthday with a picture slideshow and video wishes from the multitude of friends he has made in his 16-year history with Circus Smirkus. Happy Birthday again Josh and thank you for all you do to get us down the road!

Josh Shack

2015 Circus Smirkus Production Manager and former Trouper, Josh Shack.

2015 Circus Smirkus Production Manager and former Trouper, Josh Shack.

2015 Circus Smirkus Production Manager and former Trouper, Josh Shack.

‘til next time,


“You’ve got to knock on doors and go after things when you are truly inspired by something.”

-Rob Mermin

