Winding down in Newbury
Dear Smirkus Family and Friends,
We’ve been zipping through sites these last few days. We swung through a new site in Milford, NH at the Hampshire Hills Athletic Club and then an old beauty in Freeport, ME at the Maine Coast Waldorf School.
The Troupers visited the Barbara Bush Children’s hospital in Freeport and we had Addy from Make a Wish come to the show with her family. She was given a tour backstage before the show and got a chance to bow onstage with her sister, Cassidy.

Addy (left) with Cassidy (right).
We’re currently setting up in Newbury, MA, our last stop before we’re back in Vermont. This is a new site where our neighbors are the historic Spencer-Pierce-Little Farm and some of its animal inhabitants include a 24-year-old horse and an 800 pound pig named Big Dave.
We spent the morning of our first shows here in Newbury celebrating the opening of the Olympic Games with our own games. If you know anything about Trouper life on tour, it’s that Troupers have a few responsibilities on tour when in comes to set up. One of them is setting up our rainbow-colored pads on the bleacher seats. Today we had a competition to see which section could set their’s up the fastest and determine which sections were missing and retrieve them from two Troupers in the ring. It was chaos but eventually Section 3 emerged victorious and won a free pint of Ben & Jerry’s. Our snapchat caught all the fun.
That’s all I have for now. Tour is winding down to its last week so be sure to stay tuned for updates, we head back to our home state of Vermont next!
Take care,
Filed under: Big Top Tour
Source: Big Top Tour Feed
Winding down in Newbury